Friday, January 23, 2015

Toy Story

I still have a majority of my old toys that I have been packing around with me all these years. What is great is that they are getting played with again and we have found that the consensus is old toys are pretty cool! For Christmas this year we broke with tradition and gave our local nieces and nephew a big "group date" for their gift instead of "stuff". Same idea like we do for their birthdays. It included all the traditional things we do on their birthday dates like staying up late, playing in the tub with the rubber duckies, lots of movies, orange rolls for breakfast, and playing with all our old toys.

We made places for everyone to sleep in our room which was pretty cozy with all five of us and the big activity was playing glow-in-the-dark pirate-themed mini golf and a big pizza party. It was a fabulous weekend and we learned some new things along the way i.e. our water heater runs out of hot water when you fill two bath tubs up back to back and our backseat has become too small for long car rides with three growing up children because they all have to touch each other and that's not cool ;). Our one downfall I guess ha ha!

The kids "helped" Josh put together a model fire truck he got for Christmas too. :)

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