Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Happy 2015

This New Years was the first that Josh and I spent at home. Up until this year we had always been out of town visiting family so we had a much more low key holiday. We missed being with other relatives but look forward to our next trips out to see everyone!

The highlight was going to see the Lemurs movie at the planetarium. We had been talking about going since I think October and we finally did it! We have thought lemurs are pretty cool ever since "meeting" a bunch of lemurs several years ago at an exhibit at the State Fair. We definitely have a penchant for exotic animals :)

Last year when we were down South for the holiday we got to enjoy the traditional New Years dinners of various relatives so I had fun trying to recreate one of the main dishes we had. I had to make some black-eyed peas for good luck too :) It was so yummy and I'm kinda craving it again as I type this. Hmmm.

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