Sunday, July 13, 2014


I thought I would continue the monthly titles but my creativity only goes so far! ;) It was time for another birthday date and it turned out to be another really awesome time! Friday night we had the typical requested gourmet dinner of Mac n Cheese, movie watching, and playing in the tub. And of course we had orange rolls for breakfast :). On Saturday it was Flag Day so we had to put up flags first thing in the morning. The boys did a good job of team work!

Then we went to his T-ball game and got to meet his little admirer :).
Then we went to Summerfest and he got his face painted and a balloon snake. And of course we had to ride some carnival rides and eat lots of delicious carnival food.

We figure this is the sign of a successful birthday date! We partied hard!
Later on in June was the air show at Hill AFB. The air show is almost like going to Disneyland for me! I LOVE JETS! We went up with the parents and spent the whole day on base watching the aerial displays and touring the aircraft on the ground and of course topping it off with the Thunderbirds. The rest of the family met up with us and we all got to watch the Thunderbirds together. I didn't take many pictures because I was too busy taking it all in :) but here are a couple. The view is always better on top of Uncle Joshie!


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