Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Springtime in the Rockies!

A random smattering of some of our activities this past spring and early summer!

We celebrated our anniversary with a little "getaway". We drove a little ways north and stayed in a bed and breakfast, enjoyed a very delicious restaurant, walked around the historic downtown area and popped in a few little shops, some parks, historic buildings, etc. and enjoyed the weekend together.

A cousin of ours got married so we got to enjoy lots of wedding festivities! The wedding was held at the same place we had our wedding reception at so we got to go back to that special place for the first time since our wedding day!

We got another chance to go up in a hot air balloon! This was our second time riding in a balloon and we loved it again! Must admit we had a bit of a rougher landing this time around but despite a bruised knee we lived to tell the tale!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Birthday Dates!

This summer we had more yearly birthday dates for our local nieces and nephew. In addition to all the usual things we took the girls out to dinner Friday night and then on Saturday we went to Boondocks and played for several hours!

It was hilarious watching their expressions on the Mad Wave :)

And they came in 2nd place and 3rd place both times on this ride which we were pretty proud of!
The birthday girl got to drive a go cart for the first time and was so so excited about her first experience driving!
Our next birthday date took us to the Gateway Children's Museum which was a huge hit. I was so glad he enjoyed it. I had a hard time getting him out of there!

The next day we went swimming and had another great birthday date!

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Merry Month of May

May was an awesome month! We celebrated Memorial Day weekend with the parents and had a lot of fun - we started out by going to lunch at the Lion House Pantry restaurant (yummy) and then went to the Museum of Natural History. It is a great museum and I learned that there used to be camels here. Who knew!?

We also packed a bunch of snacks and the two of us took a mini road trip out to the Bonneville Salt Flats. Due to some recent storms the flats were completely underwater which was an incredible thing to see. It totally reminded us of a scene from the movie Interstellar!

We celebrated Memorial Day all week actually as the following weekend we met up with our siblings and a friend and went on another little mini road trip up the Mirror Lake highway. We stopped off at the Provo Falls and then went snow shoeing! Pretty cool to get to snow show at the end of May! We had a cookout that night and made tinfoil dinners in the campfire and enjoyed each other's company and the beautiful area we live in!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Way Down South in Dixie

We took another trip down to South Carolina this spring to visit lots and lots of relatives on both sides of our family. One of my grandmother's will soon be turning 90 and although we weren't there on her actual birthday we were able to celebrate Mother's Day and my birthday with her which hasn't happened since I was a kid.

We spent one of our days there with Josh's cousin and his Aunt and Uncle. It was such a wonderful visit especially as this was the first time both Josh and I had met his Aunt and Uncle. We learned a lot about that side of Josh's family and really enjoyed spending time with his cousin again. She took us all around her home town and gave us a little life history tour. Josh's Uncle was so sweet and gave Josh several mementos from his Grandfather which we are honored to have.

And we were able to take a side trip to Tennessee and meet up with one of Josh's brothers and his family. We had a brand new nephew to meet which was awesome and we had missed our niece so much since the last time we were together! We spent a couple days together and went to Dollywood one day and a Titanic museum the next.

Pigeon Forge is definitely a unique place - it's like the redneck version of Vegas! It was awesome!

We were able to see a little bit of the Great Smoky Mountains for the first time too and just had a fabulous time!

Monday, March 23, 2015

The City by the Bay

I love being a bargain hunter! I have tried to embrace the idea of not missing out on opportunities that may not come again and have had some wonderful experiences because of it. Josh and I got to have another one of those experiences. I found some RIDICULOUSLY cheap flights to San Francisco and after joking about it for several days we realized we should actually take advantage of it and go! We didn't think Josh could get a day off work with it being busy season but we took a risk and booked the flights anyway and then hoped that his boss would allow him a day off. And he did! Josh had been to San Fran twice in the past but I never had so this was my first time there. I have always found it intriguing to actually be in a place that I have seen in movies and pictures a lot. It is fascinating to me to see things in real life, not just in images. It's always a very different experience to feel and hear and smell things in person! We found a wonderful place to stay in San Leandro which we will definitely stay at again if we ever have the chance to go back. It was on a marina and our room had a little balcony that overlooked the boats that were docked. It was so nice.

We spent the whole first day at Fisherman's Wharf. We toured all of the museum ships that were docked there and enjoyed getting our fill of the sourdough bread from Boudins. We were able to continue our tradition of visiting the museum ships in the area. We found out the Musée Mécanique was filled with antique arcade games and we cashed in a bunch of dollars and had a ton of fun playing some of them.


We went to church on Sunday in San Lorenzo and ended up meeting someone who went to school with a coworker of mine. It's a small world. Another one of my favorite things about travelling - meeting people you would never have encountered otherwise. That night we went to the Oakland LDS Temple and enjoyed the amazing views and beauty of the temple. We spent some time at the visitor's center and watched the Meet The Mormons movie that they were showing.


On Monday we toured the USS Hornet and drove around the city and across the Golden Gate bridge and then got on a plane for home!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Regency Romance

Last Valentines Day we went to the Regency Romance Ball for the first time and we had such a good time that we hoped we would be able to go again. And we did! I only had a week to get us ready last year and having never gone to anything like it before I had to work really hard to figure out how to pull it off! It was so much easier this year as I now knew what to expect and how I could put together a costume for Josh. A good friend let me borrow her beautiful dress again and the awesome girl in my ward that did my hair last year came and did it again for me. And thanks to my Mom who found a vest of my Dad's that totally worked and one of my grandparents' old pillowcases that I sewed a cravat out of I was able to put together a costume for Josh so that we didn't have to rent one! And he looked great!

We were able to spend the evening with several friends and just really had a fun time!
We also struck up a conversation with a couple that was seated across from us at dinner and ended up talking with them for a really long time. Somehow we don't think it was a coincidence that it happened as they ended up telling us of their personal experiences with adoption. We are pretty sure it was a little blessing that was waiting for us :)

Friday, January 23, 2015

Toy Story

I still have a majority of my old toys that I have been packing around with me all these years. What is great is that they are getting played with again and we have found that the consensus is old toys are pretty cool! For Christmas this year we broke with tradition and gave our local nieces and nephew a big "group date" for their gift instead of "stuff". Same idea like we do for their birthdays. It included all the traditional things we do on their birthday dates like staying up late, playing in the tub with the rubber duckies, lots of movies, orange rolls for breakfast, and playing with all our old toys.

We made places for everyone to sleep in our room which was pretty cozy with all five of us and the big activity was playing glow-in-the-dark pirate-themed mini golf and a big pizza party. It was a fabulous weekend and we learned some new things along the way i.e. our water heater runs out of hot water when you fill two bath tubs up back to back and our backseat has become too small for long car rides with three growing up children because they all have to touch each other and that's not cool ;). Our one downfall I guess ha ha!

The kids "helped" Josh put together a model fire truck he got for Christmas too. :)