Thursday, September 18, 2014

Texans in Town

July was the most jam-packed month on record and I may never get all of our happenings on here but that's ok. One of the many FABULOUS things that happened though was a visit from J&D and fam! We went from a house of 2 to a house of 8 and it was like a giant camping party but with electricity and plumbing and stuff :) Activities included a little gathering at the parent's house, going to This is the Place Historic Park, Temple Square, watching the movie at the JSM building, going to the Discovery Gateway museum, hiking to Timp Caves (which was my idea and I almost got dis-owned on the hike up but thankfully was forgiven when we finally got into the cave ha ha!), swimming, a quick stop at the Hill AFB Museum, and going to the Ogden Temple open house. I probably missed something but that's a pretty good sized list of stuff!


Monday, September 1, 2014

Wedding Bells!

My sister is married! It has been exciting to watch their journey and we are grateful for this blessing in our family!