Sunday, March 30, 2014

Love Is In The Air

My sister got engaged this weekend so we will be having a wedding this summer! Congratulations to my sister and her fiancé!

Welcome Home Josh

Last Saturday we celebrated Josh's return from being gone for 10 days for work so we ignored our chores :) and took a short trip up north to the Union Station museum in Ogden. We had wanted to go there for a while and we finally did it. There are several little museums within the station and trains outside.

They have a car museum with some beautiful automobiles inside:

The Cadillac above is worth about $2 million dollars :). We had lunch and took a drive to see the Ogden Temple and got some ice-cream. It was great to be together again!

Monday, March 10, 2014

New Year's 2014

Josh is gone all this week for work and I figured I needed to do something productive while I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself! So I'll post about our New Year's trip to South Carolina to visit the Grandma and all our southern relatives! We LOVE visiting SC, it's always just some great days and it reminds Josh of Texas so that makes it even better.  We hung out a bunch with Grandma and she and Josh got to continue their discussion about which actors she thinks are good looking ;)
We took a little side trip down to Charleston and it was awesome of course! I have been there several times over the decades but Josh had never been so it was fun to be there for the first time together. We went to Patriot's Point and we were able to add some more museum ships to our list (I have still been on more museum ships than Josh has ha ha!). So here comes USS Yorktown (an Essex-class carrier), USS Laffey (a Sumner-class destroyer), and USS Clamagore (a Balao-class submarine)!



We spent our morning walking around most of the historic district down near the battery. It is so beautiful and I loved that I got to share it with Josh. And I loved that there just happened to be a bright shiny fire truck parked on one of the streets so that I could get a picture of MY firefighter by it!

Can't wait until our next trip down south! And I can't wait until Josh gets back home! :)