Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Springtime in the Rockies!

A random smattering of some of our activities this past spring and early summer!

We celebrated our anniversary with a little "getaway". We drove a little ways north and stayed in a bed and breakfast, enjoyed a very delicious restaurant, walked around the historic downtown area and popped in a few little shops, some parks, historic buildings, etc. and enjoyed the weekend together.

A cousin of ours got married so we got to enjoy lots of wedding festivities! The wedding was held at the same place we had our wedding reception at so we got to go back to that special place for the first time since our wedding day!

We got another chance to go up in a hot air balloon! This was our second time riding in a balloon and we loved it again! Must admit we had a bit of a rougher landing this time around but despite a bruised knee we lived to tell the tale!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Birthday Dates!

This summer we had more yearly birthday dates for our local nieces and nephew. In addition to all the usual things we took the girls out to dinner Friday night and then on Saturday we went to Boondocks and played for several hours!

It was hilarious watching their expressions on the Mad Wave :)

And they came in 2nd place and 3rd place both times on this ride which we were pretty proud of!
The birthday girl got to drive a go cart for the first time and was so so excited about her first experience driving!
Our next birthday date took us to the Gateway Children's Museum which was a huge hit. I was so glad he enjoyed it. I had a hard time getting him out of there!

The next day we went swimming and had another great birthday date!